

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Everything on schedule for Gabo Island OC-196

Well everything is on scheduled for the Gabo Island activation.

I've been in touch again with the aviation company and he confirms that the single engine charter plane to get on and off the island is available and so I'll be looking to make payment in a couple of months.

The most important stumbling block was ensuring permission was granted. I have full written permission from Parks Victoria to operate amateur radio equipment in a particular part of the island near the lighthouse. There are a range of conditions that need to be adhered to but it still means I can set up verticals for a range of bands. The focus will be on using 20m for as much as possible but I will also use 15m, 17m, 30m and 40m depending on openings.

The cost of accommodation has been paid for, this was a surprisingly significant cost ($800).

As we get closer to the time I'll give out some likely operating schedules to help people plan their hunting.

73s de Craig VK5CE

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